Contact Us
I can't find my star in this database.
Please re-type your registration number and the correct country name where you made the purchase. Please include all letters and numbers as mentioned on your certificate.

I still can't find my star.
Please contact the website you made this purchase from. There is a chance that there is some error in the number that was given to us by them. This usually gets resolved in about 5 days.

I have a query or need changes regarding my purchase of Name A Star gift.
Please contact or visit the website from where you purchased this product. We do not have any information about your purchase.

I need more information about Name A Star
Please contact or visit the website from where you purchased this product or see a brief FAQ here.

I want the co-ordinates, other information or more details about a star I purchased.
Please contact the website or supplier where you bought your product from. We only provide registration reference on this website.

I want to buy the Name A Star product
We do not sell this product and only provide registration reference.

For information regarding your purchase please contact the website where you purchased the product from. We do not have information about your original purchase.

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© Name A Star Registry 2019 - 2022